Sunday, March 3, 2013

My digital artefact and result!

At the end of the E-learning and digital media course, we had to submit an assignment using any of the concepts we learnt during the 5 weeks. I did my digital artefact on Thinglink. My first choice was a blog, something I am most comfortable with, but I wanted to try a platform out of my comfort zone, and tried out a few before I decided on Thinglink. I would have liked to have some background music, but I didn't know how to add music. It needed knowledge of HTML, I think. 
Here is the link to my artefact titled, "A very simple idea": 
Anyway, my grade was 2, the highest, and while it really is not important, I am happy!

This is what my peers had to say about my artefact. My thanks to them, for their assessment and constructive criticism.

Overall evaluation/feedback

peer 1 → Excellent job! Enjoyed watching the videos!
peer 2 → Impressive use of the digital means. Clear message.
peer 3 → This stimulated in me a valuable but negative reaction. It reminded me of the power of a digital artifact to provoke emotion. I learned again how we must be mindful of the reactions our communications may create and make skillful choices if we are to be educators.
peer 4 → I really enjoyed the way it was presented and made me think a lot about the questions raised.
peer 5 → Great choice for the artefact, too technological to deliver the message that technology should wait for little kids to grow up and in the meantime they should be in touch with their skills and learn more about themselves, I realy liked the message because above all, love got us where we are now.
peer 6 → I agree with the idea that we should provide children with technology once they are old enough to use it properly. Children need to jump and play before they spend hours sitting in front of the computer. Teenagers and adults do that. This artefact has images, videos and text, and with a simple picture and very meaningful images tells everything about technology and education. The author understood about one of the main topics of this course. It is about limits!

Detailed comments
peer 1 → 1.) Yes, the artefact addresses one or more themes for the course 2.) Yes, the artefact suggests that the author understands at least one key concept from the course 3.) Yes, the artefact has something to say about digital education 4.) Yes, the choice of media is appropriate for the message 5.) Yes, the artefact stimulates a reaction in you, as its audience, e.g. emotion, thinking, action
peer 2 → Interesting and impressive use of the new Thinglink software. Indeed, quite a lot of technology to say one simple idea, and actually a mirror of what happened in this Elearning and Digital Cultures MOOC (at least for me): going through much to a truth that is actually simple. Perhaps, in a way, it's reflection of human life.
peer 3 → The artefact is well-titled “A Very Simple Idea”. The maker uses a Thinglink tool to outline an icon of a question mark with links to videos, articles and text. He raises the question, “Is this your idea of utopia” and proceeds to build a case based on data reporting high internet and Google usage, a magazine article on the need for children to be outdoors, an interview and performance by a children’s singer/story-teller and country singer Johnny Cash, and his own opinion that children would be better off if they were first shown the “real” world, as celebrated by the link to a Richard Attenborough nature video, which is the “point” of his “question.” The maker uses the digital tool well to convey his opinion on the utopian embrace of technology for children. This is responsive to the course theme of “utopian vs. dystopian” views. It also understands the use of connective, freely available digital media for open courses. As an assignment for a university course, the creator might seek to support his or her position with data from more scholarly sources. For example, empirical studies showing differences on educational or developmental outcomes for children given different exposure to nature and technology might be linked. As a one-sided opinion artefact, the work stands up and may appeal to those who agree. As an educational tool, it might be strengthened by some consideration of the other side of the issue before asking viewers to change their minds.
peer 4 → The author of this presentation met the 4/5 points above. Made in a very simple way but very effectively transmitted the message which was his/her questions about the effectiveness of the influence of IT in children's education. However, I believe that the aim of the course was not only towards children's education. Still, the presentation, links and his / her questions were very valid.
peer 5 → In this artefact you can see the worry of getting into a dystopia if we continue the way we are The artefact reflects the understanding of comunications and the power of technology while comunicating something. In this artefact you can see a not so happy part of becoming too digital at an early age In this case I think the choice of media is most appropriate in order to deliver the message. It made me realize that above all we are humans and as humans we need love to move the world and that, it should stay that way.
peer 6 → This artefact addresses to more than one theme, especially the one conected to the video "a day made by glass". We see a little girl absorved by what she sees, instead of playing ouside. The image is powerful, and the short texts as well, I like it, is simple and powerful. The author understands quite well what was the course about. It says a lot about digital education, about limits. And makes a very appropiate use of the media.

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